Why a 4-year degree is a waste of time.
First of all… if you want to be a doctor or lawyer… get thee to a University. However, if you have less lofty goals… don’t bother, or at least, don’t enroll lightly. The idea that your college years are a change to “find yourself” is a myth that the hopelessly pretentious or irredeemably stupid peddle.
Want to FIND yourself… take a hike.
No… literally… take a HIKE. Go walk the Apalachian Trail, or the Pacific Coast Trail, or the American Discovery Trail… seriously… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-distance_trails_in_the_United_States
Find a trailhead close to you and just go for a LONG walk.
Obviously I’m being hyperbolic… but just barely. Spend some time in the woods on short trips; read a few books, or watch some YouTube (“Hike with Mike” is pretty good) and get OUT there. There’s nothing like time alone with your thoughts to clarify your self-image. Also, facing a little adversity is a great way to build character and realize that you can do without a lot of your creature comforts.
Now… about that 4-year degree… time for a little TRUTH.
Over 70% of the American population will attend college, but about 30% will drop out in their FIRST year. If you’re “first-generation” college student… there’s a 90% chance you won’t graduate (89% of first-gen students drop out before earning a Bachelors Degree).
It’s really pretty simple… they leave because they never really had a PURPOSE to be there to begin with. Look, I’ve been saying this for years: “Start with the job… THEN look at the training”.
If you know what you want to do, then MAYBE college is necessary… but it’s FAR more likely that you will be able to make a pretty decent living without the time and expense of a trip to your local beer bong, keg-stand, pot soaked extended adolescence. PLUS, if you start looking into what career or occupation might be right for you while you’re in High School and try to get some experience in those fields BEFORE graduation there’s a better chance that when you finally settle into a career (in your 30’s… more on THAT concept later) you’ll be much happier and far more successful.
Bottom line? Take your time… don’t rush into the debt and stress of a college degree until you KNOW you need one and you KNOW what you’re going to do with it.
Want to get started trying to figure it out? Google “Interest Inventory” or “Interest Survey” and do your homework (after all… it’s YOUR life… take control of it.)